Tag Archive: festa junina

Festa Junina – Part II

As mentioned on last post, Festas Juninas are still celebrated during July. Here are some pics of a “Festa Julina” organized by me. Enjoy!

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A lil about Festas Juninas
The word Junina came from Junho (wich means June). These festivities was brought to Brazil from Portugal, colonial period. Traditions are part of our celebrations and June is set by square dance around bonfires. Lately the festivity is still celebrated during July.

Festa Junina at Sesc
When: June 12-27th, 2010
Where: @Sesc (http://www.sescsp.org.br/sesc)
Overview: This time, Sesc presents the tradition and symbolism of handmade dolls. These objetcs are full of memories and stories which gather different values according to time and place. The festival is about cutural diversity of Brazilian people.

Oh! Yesterday there was a special class with Festa Junina at the end @ GYM: